Featured Listings / Standard Listing Payment options

STANDARD LISTINGS: Registering as a user is FREE on The Web Directory. Loading a listing costs R29.00 per listing. This is a once-off fee and valid for one listing. Do you have more than on branch? Contact us to discuss a cost-effective solution to add all your branches on in our directory.

  • Register as user, or log in as a current user
  • Add listing information and save listing
  • Send us an email with your listing name – Please let us know if your listings is a new listing, or if you would like to Feature your listing – Please include any details you would need on your invoice
  • We will send you an invoice displaying our bank details
  • Please make payment – Your listing will go live within 72 hours after we receive your payment

FEATURED LISTING: Need to attract more attention. Feature your listing on our main landing page for 30 days at R29.00 per 30 days. Send us and email to request Featuring your business today! Please follow steps above

Have any questions, or need help? Send us an email to info@thewebdirectory.co.za

Please remember to send us your email with details to info@thewebdirectory.co.za so that we can process your order. We will issue and invoice reflecting our bank details. Orders may take up to 72 hours to process.